Directions, maps and important travel information


Reserve Mobile:      +267 721 06098


District Road, Central Tuli Block, Botswana


GPS coordinates

Platjan:  Latitude: 22° 29.199′ S | Longitude: 28° 50.122′ E
Reception:  Latitude: 22° 27.103′ S | Longitude: 28° 46.243′ E
Camp turnoff :  Latitude: 22° 27.037′ S | Longitude: 28° 46.254′ E
Campsite:  Latitude: 22° 29.677′ S | Longitude: 28° 47.622′ E
Lodge turnoff:  Latitude: 22° 28.964′ S | Longitude: 28° 45.507′ E
Lodge:  Latitude: 22° 29.974′ S | Longitude: 28° 46.335′ E

Traveling distances

Johannesburg:  510 kms
Gaborone:  440 kms
Selibe-Phikwe:  165 kms
Palapye:  265 kms
Francistown:  320 kms

Border Post Opening and Closing Times

Platjan:  6am  –  6pm
Zanzibar:  8am  –  4pm
Martinsdrift:  6am  –  6pm
Tlokweng:  6am – 10pm
Pioneer:  6am – 10pm


There are no petrol or supplies available at or near the lodge.

Last filling station Alldays, Sherwood or Bobonong depending on the route chosen.

Reserve maps are available at the lodge, or you can download one below. Responsible drivers are allowed to explore the sanctuary.


Getting to us by road

from Johannesburg

N1 to Polokwane. then the R27 via Dendron, Vivo and Alldays. At the T-junction in Alldays turn right, then immediately left to Swartwater. Just outside Alldays turn onto the first dirt road right. Approximately 48 kilometers of dirt road, turn right to Platjan Border Post. After border, turn left at T- junction (there is an old petrol station on the right corner). The Limpopo River Lodge is only 5 kilometers down the road.

From Gaborone - Route 1

From Gabs to Mahalapye. After Mahalapye turn right to Machaneng. After Machaneng turn left to Sherwood and Martins Drift. At T-junction turn right to Martins Drift and Sherwood. Before Sherwood turn left onto dirt road to Zanzibar. Approximately 100 kilometers go through Baines Drift Police Station and then 12 kilometers to Limpopo River Lodge.

(112 kilometers dirt road).

From Gaborone - Route 2

From Mahalapye go straight to Palapye. 20 Kilometers after Palapye turn right to Tamasane / Kgagodi. Left to Sefophe before Sefophe right to Zanzibar border post. At Zanzibar carry on straight on dirt road through Baines Drift police station and the 12 kilometers to Limpopo River Lodge.

(36 kilometers dirt road)

From Francistown

Turn left at Serule to Selebi Phikwe, then find directions through Phikwe to Sefophe / Martins Drift.Before Sefophe (+ 29 kms) take left turn to Bobonong.  Find directions through Bobonong and travel via Molalatau, pass turn off to Mathathane to dirt road T-junction.  Turn right and travel 25 kilometers dirt road to Limpopo River Lodge Reception.


Getting to us by air

Limpopo Valley Airport via charter.

OR Tambo International Airport to Polokwane Airport (we have a tour guide in Polokwane for group transport to Platjan border post where we collect).

when making your booking, Please inform us if you need travel assistance.

